Day trip around Jósvafó

Day trip around Jósvafó

  • Museum of letterpress with the largest book in the world in Szinpeter
  • Sightseeing train Salamandra
  • Horses in Jósvafó
  • Lunch in Baradla restaurant
  • Aggtelek cave (short circuit)

The World's Biggest Book

It is located in Szinpetri in the museum of letterpress printing and has a weight of 1420 kg.

Sightseeing train Salamandra

Tour of the beautiful surroundings of the National Park and the neighboring picturesque village of Jósvafő by Salamandra train.

Horse stud in Jósvafó

The largest Hucul stud in Hungary with 200 horses, where you can ride.

Lunch in Baradla restaurant

Lunch in a pleasant environment directly at the entrance to the Baradla cave.

Aggtelek cave (short circuit)

Explore a subterranean world virtually unchanged since cavemen discovered it thousands of years ago. 
Duration 1 hour, distance 1 km.